Lean Content Online Course


Lean Content is the first-ever online course for content creators.  In ten segments of Lean Content, you will be able to learn how to harness technology to innovate your independence. We’ll show you what it means to rapidly build a product, measure and learn from your fanbase in a way that allows you to continue to finance your creativity and build your distribution network. Whether you are a filmmaker, musician, writer, or visual artist, or working to market and sell other people’s work, Lean Content will give you the answers you need to succeed.

Outline for the course:

  1. The Genesis of Lean Startup
  2. Content as Business
  3. Creating an MVP – A Minimum Viable Product
  4. Build, Measure, Learn
  5. The Pivot
  6. Building a Fanbase
  7. Financing Your Creativity
  8. Approaches to Distribution
  9. The Keys to Monetization
  10. Going Back to the Gatekeepers

After reviewing the ten segments of this unprecedented course for content creators, you will be on your way to mastering how to harness the power of technology that you have at your fingertips. Not only will this technology allow you to create your own work more efficiently, but by following the methods of this course, you can efficiently distribute your work to your fans for greater impact.